Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wikileaks To Keep Going Without Assange

In perhaps the least surprising development in the Wikileaks saga, the shadow army will continue its high-tech samizdat campaign even while founder Julian Assange is in court or even in jail.“Today’s actions against our editor-in-chief Julian Assange won’t affect our operations: we will release more cables tonight as normal,” Wikileaks said on its Twitter site.Wikileaks Assange appeared in court this afternoon (Tuesday London time) and was denied bail. His next court appearance will be Dec. 14, Wikileaks said.Much media attention has focused on Assange as an "Army of One." Why? Because there needs to be a villain, or hero, with a face.
The lanky Australian is very photogenic.This approach also fits the popular movie approach that when the good guy disappears, somewhere, somehow, a huge treasure trove of new, nastier, and more detailed charges will appear. Given the talents of this group the material could even show up on the Queen's Facebook page. That is if it is back up again.The Guardian, one of the media outlets picked to distribute Wikileaks' material, said the "insurance file" has been released to supporters around the world. Breaking in would require a 256-digit code. While today's "Enigma" machines might be able to break into this file, that wouldn't stop others from posting it.Virtually every reporter on the island was on the look out for Assange, but he and his lawyer managed to sneak into a London police station without what the Guardian called a "media scrum."The British police, unlike Swedish prosecutors, did not leak the information to the city's biggest tabloids.

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